January 4, 2025

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METALLICA – Toronto Club Show Announced


METALLICA have announced a club show in Toronto in support of their new album, Hardwired…To Self-Destruct!

“We’re back from our whirlwind promotional trip to Europe and Hardwired…To Self-Destruct is officially out! That trip was capped off with a very special night on Friday at the London House of Vans and now we are off to conquer Canada with a visit to Toronto next week. We can’t get enough of that hot, sweaty old-school small show vibe so, while we’re there, we plan to set foot on the stage at the intimate historic Opera House for a special one-night-only Fifth Members show on Tuesday, November 29th.

If you would like to join us and you’re a Fifth Member, click here to enter to win an opportunity to purchase up to two tickets per member in a special pre-sale that begins on Wednesday, November 23rd at 9:00 AM EST for one hour only. Fifth Member tickets will be specially priced at $25 each and all proceeds from the sale of tickets to this show will be donated to The Daily Bread Food Bank. Winners will be e-mailed a personal code after 5:00 PM today, along with more details about how to purchase tickets to the exclusive one-of-a-kind show.

If you’re not a Fifth Member, you’ll still have a chance to purchase up to two tickets per person on Wednesday, November 23rd at 11:00 AM EST at Ticketmaster.ca for a price of $100 each, again with all proceeds donated to The Daily Bread Food Bank. Collection bins will be also available at the door, so we encourage you to support those less fortunate by bringing canned goods or other non-perishable food items to the show.

Join us in Toronto as we continue the celebration!”

Source: BW&BK
