February 10, 2025

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PHILIP ANSELMO – Yells “Wine Power” At Dimebash, Now Being Called A Racist


Den Headz, legendary PANTERA/DOWN vocalist Philip H. Anselmo is caught in the middle of a serious shit storm with the rock media at the current moment for his purported use of what is understood to be a ‘Nazi salute’ followed by Anselmo seeming to scream the words “White Power” on stage during the ‘Dimebash’ event in Hollywood, CA that went down this past weekend.

The issue has now totally blown up into a major war of words and a call to “Ban Pantera Music” over what appears to break down to being one giant misunderstanding.

If you look at the above photographic evidence (posted by Rita Haney via Twitter), Anselmo was indeed drinking from a bottle before the ‘Dimebash’ gig that looks to be of the ‘wine’ variety. And anyone who follows Anselmo’s music career closely knows that the gesture he does with his arm at the end of a concert does not stand for the ‘Nazi movement’ at all… nope, it is a ‘Hail To The Leaf’ sign off for his fans to go home and smoke some pot!!!

The words that Anselmo claims he screamed were the totally harmless “Wine Power” (as part of an inside joke)…. and not “White Power” as everyone else wants to believe! The masses of politically correct need to stop trashing a man that has done nothing but dedicate his life and talent to bring us all the most ass kicking heavy metal music.


Anselmo’s response to being called a racist is not being accepted by the industry in general… thousands of online comments believe Anselmo is telling a lie to cover his ass after the fact. Again, look at the above photo and judge for yourself. Anselmo was drinking what appears to be ‘white wine’ backstage with Rita Haney, the former longtime girlfriend of late PANTERA guitarist Dimebag Darrell.

Now Today Machine Head’s Robb Flynn released a video HERE, condemning Anselmo for his “Bully” onstage antics. Flynn claims Anselmo used the “N’ word with him backstage before the alleged incident took place on the stage… when describing MH’s 3rd and 4th albums having a more ‘rap metal’ image. At the end of the video Flynn says “I will never listen to another Pantera song…” though Flynn openly admits to having used the “N” word himself before.

Last year TMD conducted an interview with Anselmo, that was published at every major rock news desk around the globe, wherein Anselmo went on the record about his feelings on the ban of the confederate flag:

“Right now in my life as a grown up man and a soon to be 47 year old in 5 days… that any type of propagating hate toward any race or any group of people is not my bag at all.”

So before there is a rush to judge a man, y’all need to examine the facts more closely!!!
