THE METAL DEN’s creator and Editor-In-Chief, Randy “Rocket” Cody, responds to the recent “Rock Is Dead” comment made by KISS bassist Gene Simmons. Rocket has crafted his new rant into the form of a rocking as all hell poem:
Gene Simmons, Rock N Roll All Nite is not dead. Why would you say such a thing to Shock Me? I should not be surprised, coming from a clown rocking man tits in thigh highs. Rock music will live on for another 100,000 years whether you and Beth like it or not. Just because your band KISS ‘flatlined’ years ago does not mean everyone else calls it quits. God Gave Rock N Roll To You, isn’t that what y’all said? Or have you lost all brain function since that thing died on top of your head? The Flaming Youth will always take it higher and higher and higher. Where are you hiding our fearless leader the God of Thunder? Or did he finally kill himself by jumping off of your over inflated ego?
Your Strange Ways only get stranger. Maybe you can do us all a favor and stop taking a Deuce out of your mouth every time you speak to the press. It’s always time to Shout It Out Loud and turn things up Hotter Than Hell. What would you have us all do instead? Dance All Over Your Face to Right Said Fred and then order some Room Service? So please Let Me Know when you’re going to issue refunds for all the upcoming, over priced KISS shows since your bloated ass proclaimed “Rock Is Dead” to your very own fanbase. Truth be told, KISS once rocked only to become a disco band, turning your back forever on Detroit Rock City. What a pity.
You never fooled me, Demon. I been Watchin You. You aren’t King Of The Night Time World neither, old man, acting like you’re Hugh Hefner but looking more like Yul Brynner. So go create Sweet Pain with your fake-ass-muscle bound mistress Carrot Top, because he wants to know: “Gene, Do You Love Me”? In the end, none of us need your permission to keep rocking Tomorrow and Tonight, dig? Besides, last I looked you did not create Rock, Chuck Berry did! Remember him? He wrote the song “Rock and Roll Music” in 1957 when you were a little kid Goin’ Blind from masturbating.
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