January 11, 2025

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BEHEMOTH – Detained In Russia


Currently on tour in Russia, BEHEMOTH has reportedly been detained by Russian authorities for having the “wrong visas.” Frontman Nergal has released the following statement (loosely translated from Polish to English):

“We’ve been stopped by the immigration services for ‘wrong visas’. When I said that we will not move an inch from the club without someone from the polish embassy, they threatened to force us out. They took us in a bus, accompanied by 10 officers, to the building of Federal Migration Service. We tried to reach polish embassy in Jekaterinburg but no one is answering the phone. If possible – please copy this message and pass it everywhere you can. We may expect a multihour hearing. The concert is off for sure. The only thing we want is to get back to the hotel safely and then – to Poland. No matter how hard we try – we cannot pass it all.”

Source: Lambgoat
