January 15, 2025

TheMetalDen.com: Over 300 Million Organic Impressions On Facebook Since 2023!

ANGELCORPSE – Announces New Drummer


 TMD Rocks!

Misery Signals vocalist Karl had been ill and his doctor recommended that he take 2-3 weeks off to heal.

Karl sent out a bulletin explaining the problem:

"First of all, I want to start off by properly thanking each and every one of you who has messaged me and wished me on a fast road to recovery. The feedback and concern shown by you guys really gives me a drive to get my ass back up to par. I've been home for almost a week now. I've been in and out of Doctor's offices and Emergency Rooms, and this is what they've concluded:

"I do NOT have MONO…..sort of. Apparently I've had mono over the course of this past year without even knowing it (which would explain me being exhausted 24 hours a day) but that wasn't what was acting up. Finally after my throat swelled up to the point of potential closure, I dragged my ass to the emergency room. After several blood tests and an I.V. put in my arm to re-hydrate me, the doctor plain and simply told me that tonsillitus was causing the severe infection to my throat (imagine having a golf ball with razor blades sticking out of it lodged in your throat), nose and ears.

"Estimated recovery time: 2-3 weeks.

"So there you have it. Sorry to all the kids that came out to the remainder of the Bring Me The Horizon tour hoping to see us there. This was completely unexpected, and now that I've explained my current situation, you can understand why we took precautions."
