February 16, 2025

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DIMEBAG DARRELL – Four Track Recordings Unearthed!


Den Headz, the legend of Dimebag Darrell lives on in some recently unearthed four track recordings that have been posted online by former WHITE ZOMBIE guitarist Jay Yuenger. Here’s more on it from the man himself:

“I’m often asked what touring with Pantera was like, and all I can say is, ” Exhausting. If you really want to know, go watch those home videos they made “. I rarely saw Vinnie Paul except at showtime — in fact, I don’t think I even talked to him more than a couple of times ( He was usually off golfing, as I remember it ), but the rest of them actually were doing all the things you imagined they were, and enjoying every second of it. Checklist : smoking, drinking ( those guys were fuckers : they WANTED you to get sick, but I got pretty good at knowing when it was time to start chucking instead of drinking – palming a shot is difficult when everybody’s sober, but pretty easy when they’re wasted ), gambling, etc. I had forgotten, until recently, that when Darrell wasn’t driving forklifts through walls at the gig ( yes, that actually happened ), he was amusing himself in his hotel room with a cheap guitar, drum machine, and 4-track cassette recorder.

What you have here is Dime, Sean on bass ( that’s her screaming as well ), and Phil on vocals and ape noises, coming to you from a nameless hotel, 6AM, after a Pantera/ WZ gig and subsequent long night of drinking.”

Go HERE to have a listen!

***UPDATE: (From Pantera’s Facebook: “You guys crashed Jay Yuenger’s site! He is working on getting it fixed. We will repost the link when it’s back up & running.”