Texas radio DJ Cindy Scull is fighting mad from her perch at KEGL (97.1 FM, “The Eagle”) radio station in Dallas/Fort Worth about the Pantera Facebook Reunion Tour Cause started by fans that has now reached 2,500 people that have joined. The famed disc jockey recently unleashed a seething rant versus not only the proposed event itself … but also former Pantera vocalist, Philip H Anselmo. Here’s a couple excerpts from her blog post:
“I say screw Phil and his disparaging remarks, he **cked up and now he has to live with it….if Vinnie wanted this, it would have already happened. This fabricated roots generated “cause” is total bullsh*t and sounds like a media campaign organized by Phil who wants to relive the glory days… sucks not having as much success as HELLYEAH…doesn’t it Phil???
And who could blame Vinnie? He has every right to NEVER forgive Phil and preserve the LEGEND OF DIMEBAG exactly the way it was, now and forever. To reunite is not only disrespectful to Dime, Vinnie and the family, but could never measure up to what we remember. I support Vinnie Paul.”
You can read Cindy Scull’s entire take on the Facebook Pantera Reunion/Tribute Cause and Mr. Anselmo HERE. She has also launched her own poll at the end of her blog, asking fans what they think about the idea.
It’s pretty safe to say that if Pantera ever does reunite for the one-off tribute event for the diehard fans, ole Cindy Scull will be nowhere within a hundred mile radius of the event.
***UPDATE: Scull not only pulled down her rant after TMD ran this article, but she also took down the poll she started because the ‘Cause’ is obviously supported more than she understood. The poll numbers strongly in favor of it happening reflected that!!!
I’m not gonna lie, I never really got into Hellyeah, I like a couple of their songs… But Superjoint Ritual, Down, and Arson Anthem…. Those are pretty close to pantera for me.
Srj has so much old hardcore energy.. like pantera, AA has a hardcore punk feel, and down…
Down is fucken amazing. I don’t know what she’s talking about lol.
First off, i’m not getting why she’s making this about phil… that’s kind of backfiring on here Lmfao.. and I hope that if it does happen, that she is nowhere near the tour… Seriously, i’d like an explanation on why vinnie won’t do it.
I’m starting to think their is either something way bigger stopping him… Or that he’s too chicken.
My vote goes in favor for this to happen.. For the love of Dime and the love of the music ….Its time even if it is for one show …Out of all the tribute’s done in the past .. Do this one For the fans …. We/All Lost
Living almost equal distance to Dallas and NOLA in Houston, it seems the only vitriol comes from Dallas. I thought it was totally wrong to have a Dimebag tribute at the Dallas Ozzfest in 2008 and not invite Phil. That said, I think Phil has done what he can to keep the memory of Dimebag alive. Everytime that I’ve seen him do a show since, he has said something in tribute to Dimebag. And, I think Phil has moved on. And so should we all. I think Dimebag would understand and want it that way. BTW, I lost my brother tragically in ’09. So, I know how it feels. But life goes on. Just gotta stay METAL!!!
“sucks not having as much success as HELLYEAH…doesn’t it Phil???”
this lady must be hitting her crack pipe a little too hard because that is complete bullshit!!
i think it would be badass if they did this! i support it and i hope it does happen!! pantera forever!!! love you dime!
and this could be the biggest thing to happen in tx! maybe one of the biggest concerts in a while! lets get this done!!!!!
Well back in 2009 February 12 to the 13th (Friday), I was involved in a serious robbery. 3 Black dudes came into Lynwoods Cafe in Randolph, MA. They had guns and shotguns, was slammed in the back of the head numerous times, and after everything was knocked out cold, anyways, I think I have finally forgave them.
Now with the Vinnie Paul, and Dime Bag situation and Phil Anselmo, and Rex Brown. They all need to realize the problem was the murderer who was not on his psych drugs, and who should have never been allowed to enter the military in the first place. His mother buys him a shotgun that would be used to kill Dime (RIP!) My gripe since day 1, is the treatment of military personal that are let go from the service, and are a danger to themselves and society. I recall when Dime was murdered by Eric Gale, there was a cop in NY who was murdered by another returned G.I. with mental issues.
Now what Dime would want is something to help the soldiers coming back from War. My Uncle just passed away recently and he served in the Vietnam War. If it wasn’t for one of his brothers, he would probably have gone off the deep end long ago. What I am getting at is, we need some funds to help return soldiers into a society that cares, not a society that lets the ball drop. We need to do more for our soldiers, they have given us freedom, and no matter where you stand on the issues of war, we need to give these soldiers the help they need. There will be many more in the future like Mr Gales, who I can finally forgive, knowing that mental issues can be dealt with as long as there is a support group helping these people out. All that died that day RIP! And may your demons be driven away…