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Edison, New Jersey (USA) progressive metal act MUTINY WITHIN have been on quite a thrill ride in the past couple of years. They changed vocalists and then got signed to the biggest heavy metal label in the world, Roadrunner Records. Stepping up into the big time, the young act has now unleashed their technical explosiveness on a debut album, which is slated for a Feb/2010 release.

MUTINY WITHIN will support ARCH ENEMY on tour in the United States this coming January, alongside EXODUS, ARSIS, and SONATA ARCTICA.

The Metal Den’s Randy “Rocket” Cody has conducted an EXCLUSIVE interview with MUTINY WITHIN for TMD’s loyal following of DEN HEADZ all across the globe!


Rocket: Mutiny Within recorded its debut full length album in Florida at Audio Hammer Studios with producer Jason Suecof. How was that experience?

AJ: Actually, we only recorded part of the album there. We tracked the drums, most rhythm guitars, and some guitar solos with him. Bill and Brandon did a great job tracking, intense sessions man. And Suecof is a one of a kind guy, he’ll make you laugh instantly. Definitely an experience, definitely some good times.
We ended up recording the rest of the album in Pompano Beach, FL at Bieler Bros Studios with producer Jason Bieler and engineer Matt LaPlant. Those guys really worked us hard, pressed us to make the best record we could make. Bieler made the difference in a few different areas, including arrangements, vocals, etc. Matt was also pivotal in getting the record done, the guy worked around the clock. He was great with everything from tones to tracking. Most notably for me was his work with keyboards, some really cool moments there. We couldn’t be happier with how everything turned out.

Rocket: Who mixed the album? Did they deliver all that you wanted?

AJ: Josh Wilbur was originally scheduled to mix the album, but Jeff Rose and Ginge Ford ended up doing it. They did a great job, and yes, they delivered tenfold. Those guys know exactly what their doing, I’d recommend anyone to go work with them.

Rocket: Mutiny Within will support ARCH ENEMY in the US in January/2010 alongside EXODUS and ARSIS.
How excited are you guys to get to play these shows?

AJ: It’s a big opportunity for us, this tour has a strong lineup. Arch Enemy have been killing it for years, as have Exodus and Arsis. We’re fans of all 3 and can’t wait to share the stage. We’re excited to tour Canada as well, always wanted to visit up there. Should be an exciting run.

Rocket: You guys just got back from your first ever tour in the states opening for SOULFLY, CATTLE DECAPITATION, and PRONG in October and September. Tell me, was it as exciting as you expected it would be to open for three such well known national acts?

Drew: It was definitely more than we expected on our first tour. The hospitality was exceptional and we could relate to all the bands. We had such a good response from the crowd almost every night and sold loads of t-shirts at our merch stand. Last night of the tour all the bands jumped on stage during Soulfly’s set and played along with the drum section of their live show. I’d say if we had to tour with these bands again I would do it in a heartbeat.

Rocket: What was the high point for you guys when you were out traveling on that tour?

AJ: I loved trying different food throughout the country. I had some chicken pad thai in Seattle that would’ve blown your mind. Also, we had Mexican food in San Diego, the best.

Drew: The high point for me was being able to see the places I had never dreamed of going to, but if I had to pick one in particular it would be the Grand Canyon. Seeing this enormous hole in the earth at night made me speechless. Oh and finding a laundromat.

Rocket: And the low point?

AJ: If I have to see one more Subway at a rest stop…

Drew: Losing my favorite pair of sun glasses the last night of tour.

Brandon: Losing just about everything I brought with me, haha. Next time, I definitely know what I need to pack and what I should leave behind.

Rocket: It’s been announced you guys will release your self-titled Roadrunner Records debut on February 23rd, 2010. Is that the U.S. street date? Or does that include overseas too?

Drew: February 23rd is the official U.S. street date, I’m not sure about the overseas release date.

Rocket: Cool. I’m gonna give each band member a shot at giving me two or three sentences of
some background detail on what some of these songs on the new album are about…

AJ: ‘Awake’ – This is our first single and I think it sums up our sound pretty well. I also love Chris’ lyrics in this song, I hope that fans will connect with them just as I did.

‘Images’ – This song was the most fun to record, some of my favorite riffs. And that chorus hook…I think it should be in a Coors Light commercial.

‘Falling Forever’ – Starts out with a high scream from Chris, one of the highlights on the record for me. Musicially, this song has a lot of layers, and I was really stoked to hear it all come together in the mixing stage.

Chris: ‘Year Of Affliction’ – This song has the most contrast between parts. There are heavy parts and solo piano parts, screams, loud singing, quiet singing, shred guitar, mellow guitar… this is one of my favourite tracks on the album.

‘Forsaken’ – This song changed a lot through the recording process. We re-wrote the entire verse and it gave the track a much darker feel to it. This is one of the more atmospheric tracks.

Bill: Regarding the lyrics for “Lethean” and “Oblivion” –

Without going into too much detail, I just feel that I have the same outlook and view of the world and how many things are not as they seem and there are alterior motives behind many aspects of our lives even if we don’t even know it. The things in our head are what control our lives and we have the power to change it as we see fit.

Brandon: ‘Undone’ – Awesome opening riff. I remember writing those harmonies with AJ working out every note. haha.

‘Losing Sight’ – This song was really fun for me, the writing process and the actual recording of the song. Also, one of my favorite solos that me and Suecof laid down.

Drew: ‘Suffocate’ -Awesome fast melodic chorus and a heavy verse to go with it. Right when it hits the middle section, it just takes you on a ride into the solo section. My head false off whenever we play this song live.

‘Reflections’- Fun chorus with an interesting verse, and a trippy middle section. Also I love the way the intro fades in. Makes me want an addiction to crack.

Rocket: So are you guys planning a big CD release party for the record?

Chris: I’m sure there will be some sort of celebration. It’s going to be a really great day for us after years of work.

Drew: I hope so! We need some sort of celebration after all of these years of work and traveling to and from Florida.

Rocket: Who are some of the other bands out there that you guys are talking with
for some further North American touring in support of the new album release? And will you
guys headline at all?

AJ: Not sure about headlining just yet. We just landed a main support slot for Sonata Arctica’s North American tour this spring, that’s going to be incredible.

Brandon : Sonata Arctica’s music definitely brings back a lot of old memories and that tour is going to be one of my favorite ones that we will do.

Rocket: Will you do any dates overseas?

Chris: Being from England, I really want to get over there next year. I know there are people who want to see the band and it will be great for Dan and myself to play to our home crowd.

Drew: If we could only play overseas once it would have to be Download Festival, that’s been my dream for a long time. After that I can die happy.

Rocket: I want each of you to give me just ‘one word’ that best describes the new album for fans, okay?

AJ: Prodigious

Chris: Epic

Bill: Worms

Brandon: Epic.

Dan: Bold

Drew: Grandiose

Rocket: Thanks again for rocking this out with me. I wish you guys the best of luck with the new music. Go ahead and give a shout out to the biggest Mutiny Within supporters out there.

AJ: Thanks to you, Rocket and The Metal Den. Shout out to everyone at Roadrunner Records, Mike Gitter, our management, and to all of the fans. Make sure to pick up our debut record, February, 2010!
