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John Corabi Says Mick Mars Solo Album Will Be Delayed Due To MÖTLEY CRÜE Lawsuit

Ex-MÖTLEY CRÜE singer John Corabi was part of a recent interview conducted by Tulsa Music Stream, and Corabi was questioned about the possibility of his recorded songs with Mick Mars from seven years ago making it onto the long-anticipated solo album of the MÖTLEY CRÜE guitarist. Corabi’s response:

“To be honest with you, I don’t know. And it’s unfortunate. And I could be wrong on this, but I don’t know — hopefully, they can separate one thing from the other, but unfortunately, I believe the record deal… ‘Cause I was actually talking to Paul Taylor [of WINGER] about this. I just did a tour with Tom Keifer and WINGER this summer prior to doing THE DEAD DAISIES thing. And I was asking Paul about Mick’s record, ’cause he actually helped Mick co-write some of the songs and I think he played on it as well, some guitar and keyboards. Unfortunately [laughs], the record deal that Mick signed was with Allen Kovac, MÖTLEY’s manager. So, I’m just gonna… I could be wrong on this, but I’m thinking that because he’s suing MÖTLEY now, that is going to be detrimental to the album coming out — or not. So I’m not sure when we’re gonna hear that record of Mick’s.”

Corabi added, “Regarding the songs I recorded with [Mars], I don’t know if I’m going to be featured on it. I contributed two songs for Mick, around six or seven years ago, roughly in 2016, during my early days with THE DEAD DAISIES. Whether these songs made the final record, I couldn’t confirm. However, I’m aware that Paul Taylor played some guitar and keys on it, and the talented singer Jacob Bunton was extensively involved in the songwriting alongside Mick and Paul, and he lent his vocals to the record. Unfortunately, I’m under the impression — and I must emphasize, I could be mistaken — that due to the contractual agreement with MÖTLEY’s manager, the release of that record might be postponed.”

Corabi continued to express uncertainty, stating, “I always preface everything I say with ‘I could be wrong,’ but I wasn’t wrong about [Mick’s] lawsuit. So I’m thinking that because he signed the deal with MÖTLEY’s manager, I’m thinking that that record is just going to remain on hold for a while.”