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Mick Mars Blames MÖTLEY CRÜE’s Downfall on Vince Neil “Not remembering the songs” and “Being out of shape”

The war of words between ousted MÖTLEY CRÜE guitarist Mick Mars and his old band mates is starting to get out to the public now, since TMD exposed the truth behind Nikki Sixx’s deceptive ways. What is the real story behind the departure of Mars from the biggest glam metal band of all time? John Corabi claims Mick was “Shown the door” and that he was not allowed to play on the last several Crue albums. Is it because someone in the band’s camp feels Mick is trying to show up Nikki, Tommy and Vince with his own pending solo album release? Keep in mind, Mick’s debut solo effort might possibly contain riffs rejected by Sixx, after initially intended to be part of Crue’s next studio album.

Will Mick launch a new version of the CRÜE if he does score a major legal upset?

At the center of the legal battle, is the fact that Mick finally exposed the truth about other band members using pre-recorded tapes.

Here’s what Mick stated in his lawsuit:

“Astonishingly, Sixx made these claims about Mars‘s playing while he [Sixx] did not play a single note on bass during the entire U.S. tour,” the lawsuit continues. “Ironically, 100% of Sixx‘s bass parts were nothing but recordings. Sixx was seen fist pumping in the air with his strumming hand, while the bass part was playing. In fact, a significant portion of [VinceNeil‘s vocals were also pre-recorded. Even some of [TommyLee‘s drum parts were recordings. Some fans actually noticed that Lee was walking toward his drum set as they heard his drum part begin.”

He further talked about Vince Neil, saying:

“Conversely, other band members are often criticized online, particularly Neil, who is routinely torn to shreds for, among other things, not remembering the songs.”

It is Mars’ assertion that group’s epic downfall is mainly due to Neil’s inability to perform the songs live without the use of a teleprompter and ‘backing tapes’ that allowed the troubled (and still dangerously drunk all the time) vocalist to lip-synch most of the concerts during all of The Stadium Tour.

Bloated, Dazed and Confused!

Vince Neil Pictured Last Year During The Stadium Tour:

Whatever happened to losing weight and being in shape?

In the case, Mick claims that after he declared he was quitting touring (which we now know was Sixx actually forcing him out under the guise that Mick was willingly departing), the CRÜE reduced his share of the revenues from 25% to 5%. Additionally, he asserts that the band’s attorneys made him feel as though he should be appreciative of even that meager percentage because they felt they owed him nothing at all. In a band meeting, Mick alleges, it was agreed to “unilaterally” kick him out of MÖTLEY CRÜE.

Mick also repeatedly accused bassist Nikki Sixx of “gaslighting” him about his guitar skills diminishing, despite the fact that Sixx didn’t “play a single note on bass” during a recent tour, according to the guitarist. Mick claims all of Nikki‘s parts were pre-recorded.

Mick Mars’ lawsuit contends that the band under Nikki Sixx leadership has sunk the name into future financial ruin. The pics from recent gigs show sparse attendance during Crue sets. Mars’ position is that the Crue is guilty of “false advertisement” which is a very real thing. If you are going to sell tickets to ‘live’ rock concerts (not pre-taped) then you should not participate in performances that are not 100% authentic when it comes to main instrumentation. Mars stated in his legal battle against the band that he was the only person in the band who was actually playing live without assistance of backing tapes.

Now there’s still a lot of details that are not out yet. Sixx has tried to keep all the dirt private because he doesn’t want fans to know that he used massive deception to gaslight Mars, while not being truthful with the people buying the concert tickets. Crue’s camp didn’t even want to admit Mick was thrown out of the band. It took them 11 more days after TMD announced it before they admitted he was indeed out of the band.