Metal News Source: The GauntletVeteran San Francisco Bay Area thrashers Exodus will embark on a U.S. tour in January/February. Support...
Metal News Source: BravewordsThe following update has been issued via the official MEGADETH website:
Metal News Source: Blabbermouth.netKORN's new, untitled album sold 123,000 copies in the United States in its first week of release...
Metal News Source: Blabbermouth.netSteven Patrick of recently spoke to LAMB OF GOD bassist John Campbell and OZZY OSBOURNE guitarist...
Metal News Source: SMN NewsGOATWHORE have been officially added as the final band on the previously announced Metal Blade Records...
Metal News Source: SMN NewsThe set times have been revealed for this year’s Sheboygan Deathfest, which will take place on...
Metal News Source: BravewordsMark Carras of here recently conducted an interview with OBITUARY vocalist John Tardy. A couple of excerpts...
Metal News Source: Blabbermouth.netBrazil's Roadie Crew (web site) and Argentina's Jedbangers (web site) magazines recently collaborated on a very special...
Metal News Source: Blabbermouth.netAccording to, Sharon Osbourne has described her "relief" that her father Don Arden's long and harrowing...
Metal News Source: The GauntletFormer Korn star Terry Bozzio quit the group because his bandmates refused to make him a...