February 18, 2025

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CHRIS CORNELL’s Last Stand: Why He Never Broke His Promise

CHRIS CORNELL’s Last Stand: Why He Never Broke His Promise

By Randy “Rocket” Cody

(part 1 of a 3 part report)

“I think there needs to be a global focus on people taking care of people.”

– Chris Cornell

It is my belief Chris Cornell suffered SRA (Satanic Ritual Abuse) at the hands of the diabolical MK Ultra mastermind, retired army serviceman and NSA agent, Lt. Col. Michael Aquino, as part of the New World Order’s agenda, his death was staged I feel to appear as a suicide to create genuine Satanic Panic in citizens all around planet earth. By killing a beloved performer like Chris, a literal angelic voice sent down by God to impart beauty, wisdom, truth and love into his fans, the evil elite deliver a blow to us Christians that is both a major emotional trauma but also a direct attack on our Christian faith. The corrupt mainstream news media perpetuates lie after lie and nobody but me is standing up in the media to challenge them.

Chris Cornell fought back at the end… and broke the Satanic protocol. It is my determination that his core personality tore itself away from the evil MK Ultra programming, and the rock legend desperately tried to make one last stand for humanity before he was murdered by the Illuminati. While I believe much of Chris’ life was scheduled for him by his handlers, there is no doubt that he was still his own man, even with the horde of bloodsuckers that were in his life, namely his immediate family.

Mr. Cornell knew his life was in serious trouble, and he was well aware of the impending doom for mankind.

Uncle Sam’s plans to bring a deadly technology around our homes and businesses, plus schools… will be the ultimate chess move to takeover the masses in a silent but extremely harmful maneuver.

“Nobody tells me what to do… I don’t care what you do, burn
crosses on your lawn… burn your house down, I don’t care.
Just don’t burn other people’s house down.”

– Chris Cornell

At some point on the 17th of June, 2017, Mr. Cornell suffered a head injury. This has now been confirmed by his widow, Vicky Cornell in a new interview with The Detroit News. The medic on the scene who calls 911 to pronounce Chris “DOA” observes in his comments “possible signs of strangulation”… and “trauma to the back of the head”. He concluded with stating that the singer was “cold to the touch all over” his body. That is important, and I will address this later in my report, for I fully believe the complete forensics analysis I have prepared is going to be irrefutable in a court of law, proving beyond a reasonable doubt that the late SOUNDGARDEN frontman is the victim of homicidal ligature strangulation.

Vicky Cornell confirms: “a head injury, which was referenced in two EMS reports that were left out of the autopsy report.”

With his most brilliant move of all, by Chris not covering up the injury it was his way to secretly send all of us a message that something was indeed wrong on that night. Our rock hero was under attack… by the person that was paid to protect him, Martin Kirsten his bodyguard.

My locksmith expert verified upon reviewing the photographic evidence, that Mr. Kirsten lied when he said he kicked his way into the room with the safety latch fully engaged on the inside.

A lot more visible damage would have existed, so the fact is when Kirsten tells the EMT Chris had a “history of depression,” he did this to try and create a backstory for the staged suicide. After all, he was the last man known to see Chris alive. When Martin finds Chris and attempts to sell the false narrative he does not realize that when the EMT notes Chris is already cold all over his entire body that the bodyguard was not being truthful with the timing of when the rock legend actually died.

The attacks against Christians are at an all time high right now, yet most people are totally oblivious. At the end of his life, Chris began to speak out against the billionaires who control the New World Order. Chris was prophetic in his grim vision of what is to come for all of us, for he had a special knowledge of the inner workings of the highly secretive and extremely dangerous freemasons.

After all, these are the same people who made him a rich man. You don’t get into the rock n roll game without paying a heavy price tag. 99% of the time it is your soul you turn over for the money and fame. In this instance, Chris was expected to pay them back with his own flesh and blood.

The Fullerton Informer, one of the fastest rising #Truther channels on YouTube is run by Joe Imbriano and he details the level of pure demonic mayhem that the Illuminati has planned for the world as part of their goal to reduce global population by nearly 6 billion over the next 10 years. Part of how they will accomplish this mass annihilation is by way of the technology everyone uses to watch movies or listen to music on their personal computer.

The coming 5G wireless, also known as ‘WiGig’ is going to be a game changer, for it is actually designed to harm people.

It will also make men and women infertile. It will also drastically affect the oxygen molecule in your brain… due to the frequency that the system runs on.

ZONA HARDENING: This Is No Laughing Matter


“Girls are born with their eggs to be released one at a time by the ovaries upon sexual maturity. Eggs that undergo zona response from micrwowave radio frequencies pulsed against the belly (think iPad Infertilty pad) might only respond someday to fertilization in a lab with a needle.”

“What else has come out of apple and Microsoft? How about Steve Perlman who has been an Apple Principal Scientist and Microsoft Division President. What does he bring us? ARTEMIS TECHNOLOGY.”

“ARTEMIS was the Greek goddess of FERTILITY AND CHILDBIRTH. What a bizarre coincidence.”

“NOTICE THE SIMILARITIES AS REPRODUCTIVE FUNCTION APPEARS TO BE LITERALLY TURNED UPSIDE DOWN BY WIRELESS. Cell technology is all about harnessing and combining radio signals, even interference to create extra wireless energy around each individual mobile device that follows the device wherever it goes. ARTEMIS WAS ALSO A GOD OF THE HUNT-how ironic as each wireless device is targeted for a directed energy beam.”

Now this is the technology they are going to put into all of the schools around the USA. Think about it.

Who is behind the 5G rollout? This is where the hair should stand up on the back of your neck.

“Robert Stolz of Stolz Telecom earned his Associates in Applied Science in General Engineering Technology from Oklahoma State University. He also has specialized training from the US Army, National Security Agency (NSA), and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).”

Look at the name of the crime reporter assigned to cover up the real facts from being allowed into the Chris Cornell death investigation early on… none other than George Hunter. That is not a coincidence, okay? That was done on purpose to even further flaunt their power over everyone in society. The freemasons are bad dudes, there is no way around that. They have been killing people in a covert manner for hundreds of years… and getting away with it.

George Hunter made a comment to me during our phone conversation last year that was very telling for me. He was trying to rush me off the call, kept referring to me as a “conspiracy theorist” and then said “Hey, man… I got dead babies over here to write about, okay?”

That was another finger poke in my chest. In my humble opinion, it was the masonic controlled shills way of saying “We are going to keep doing what we do to kids no matter what you try to do about it.”

Oh yeah, did I mention that George Hunter’s family members are policemen? Let’s not forget that the largest masonic lodge in the world is located nearby George’s office at The Detroit News… and where Chris was found dead.

Oddly enough, it was an Apple product that Chris Cornell was last working on right before he died.

Chris had a passion for life. He loved his wife and kids dearly.

He was looking forward to recording a new album with SOUNDGARDEN. At the end of his time here on earth, Chris was feeling good mentally and physically.

If you recall, Chris was said to have called for his bodyguard to assist him with his Apple TV being hooked up so he could watch it after the concert.

My guy feeling tells me that fate for Chris Cornell was sealed long before he took the stage for the last time.

But nothing is easy to see unless you are looking for it. The understanding of hidden messages in numerology and symbols is crucial to figuring out the slick moves of the evil cabal. I cannot stress enough that hidden symbols are extremely important to the occultist.

“A hidden hexagram is embedded within the Pyramid symbol. The Eye of Horus (Eye of Satan) forms the top part of the first triangle and the sides of the pyramid form the sides of the triangle. The second triangle has another “eye” within it, formed by the “O” of Novus Ordo Seclorum. The “A” of Annuit and the “S” of Coeptis form the outer points of the second triangle. (“Secrets of the Illuminati” by Doc Marquis).

“A hidden symbol becomes a “Magical Symbol” capable of great power. As explained in the book , “Magic Symbols” , “The true magic symbol is an image which hides an inner meaning”. In other words, power is generated when the uninitiated cannot grasp the hidden symbolic meaning. Occultists have believed for centuries that their very secrecy gives them immense power. However, this hexagram is surrounded by a circle, making it a demon trap. Thus, a witch can use it to conjure up a demon to work on behalf of the United States of America to achieve the New World Order.”

Looking more closely at James Alefantis the man at the center of #Pizzagate, it is right out in the open his devotion to the God of perversity and child love, Pan The Hunter.

“Pan is an ancient god indeed, harkening back to the old hunter/gatherer societies with their horned or antlered shamanic gods. But with the Neolithic revolution came agriculture and animal domestication, and Pan became the herdsman’s god associated with goats.”

Pan pizza crust is known as ‘deep-dish’ and rumor has it that Mr. Alefantis is allegedly serving human meat pies made in a deep pan. He is a chef and uses a lot of raw materials to stuff his own sausages that are then used on his pizzas. It’s said this sicko Satanist gets off on mixing ground up child flesh with the sausage and serving it to unsuspecting customers.

A post on VOAT takes us further down the rabbit hole:

“Listed first on Comet’s website under “friends of comet” is the band Heavy Breathing, which performs at Comet. Heavy Breathing leader “Majestic Ape” wears a long haired wig, a ski mask and black sunglasses, and uses a voice modulator, hiding his or her identity. Majestic Ape joked about pedophile Jared Fogle and said “we all have our preferences, hee hee hee”. It brings laughter from the audience. In another video, Majestic Ape talks about killing a baby. Majestic Ape also referenced pedophilia in a caption on a music video. Heavy Breathing’s website features art involving both children and sex.”

“An employee of Comet posted many images portraying pizza in a sexual way, further fueling our suspicion they are using “pizza” as it is commonly used by pedophiles: a symbol and codeword for sex with minors. Another example. An admitted pedophile on a dark-web pedophile forum acknowledged a trend of pedophiles using pizza parlors as fronts for child sex trafficking. Convicted sex offender Robert L. Robinson, who raped a 13-year-old girl, had a Flickr account with five pages of “favorite” pictures, half of which featured young girls, and the other half of which featured… Comet Pizza and Ping Pong.”

Studying the origin and etymology of the word “comet”, it all starts to make more sense:

Middle English comete, from Old English cometa, from Latin, from Greek komētēs, literally, long-haired, from koman to wear long hair, from komē hair. But hold on, this is when things get more frightening.

When you take the Old English spelling ‘Cometa’ and arrange the letters in reverse order you get: Atemoc

This is an anagram that stands for Ate Millions Of Children.

Atemoc name numerology is 3. This means something very important to the Luciferians.

According to CuttingEdge.org site, the number three is directly tied to Lucifer.

“This Scripture captures the entire essence of what occultists have been doing for almost 5,000 years. Today’s New Age adherents, who pride themselves so greatly on their sophistication and “spiritual knowledge” worship all sorts of created objects rather than God. Occultists place much faith in the inherent power of numbers.”

No plan of action can be carried out without first determining two things:

“Is the timing of this plan of action in accordance with the astrological lineup of the stars, moons, and planets?
Is the timing of this plan of action in accordance with the numbers it will produce? This process is “Divination” and is specifically prohibited by God.” (Deut 18:10-11)

“Once you understand how occultists think and calculate, you will be able to see occultism in world events. This effort to determine the correct time for an action is carried out to precise days and times. A good example is the suicide of Adolf Hitler. Hitler chose the date, April 30, 1945, because it was the first day of the Pagan Spring Holy Days. He chose 3:30p.m. because, according to occult doctrine, this combination of three’s presented to him the most favorable time to depart this life and reenter the reincarnation cycle. Note the triple 3’s present here, April 30 as the first three, 3 o’clock in the afternoon as the second three, and 30 minutes past the hour is the final three. Hitler was engaging in typical occult behavior by arranging the timing of his death in a very precise, numeric manner. Hitler wanted to exit this life in such a proper time that he could come back quickly, as the real Anti-Christ.”

As the story goes, President John F. Kennedy was assassinated on November 22, 1963, “in a public square which had been home to a Masonic Lodge and which has an obelisk in its center. November is Month #11 and the day of the murder was the 22nd. Numbers 11 and 22 are sacred primary occult numbers.”


“Three (3) is the first sacred number, the first perfect number. Three represents the Pagan Trinity.”

“It is represented geo-metrically in the triangle, and spiritually as the Third Eye Of Hinduism. Occultists will multiply and add three to other sacred numbers to create new numbers. However, they also group threes in two’s and threes, because they believe in the principle of “intensification”, i.e., that greater power is achieved when a sacred number is grouped. In the case of three, greater intensification is achieved when it is shown as 33, or 333. 333 + 333 equals 666. Occultists have used 333 as the hidden symbol by which they present the more offensive number 666. When the details of an event are so arranged as to contain certain sacred occult numbers or numeric combinations, this is literally an occult signature on the event. Mathematically, 666 can be created when three pairs of threes are added. Thus, (3+3) + (3+3) + (3+3) = 666. Now, eliminate the parentheses and the plus sign, and you have 33 space, 33 space, 33, representing the number 666.”

“Eleven (11) is a sacred number. When eleven is multiplied by the perfect number 3, the number 33 is produced, a number of tremendous occult importance. In 1933, Adolf Hitler and President Franklin Roosevelt came to power. Both these men were committed to the establishment of the New World Order, and their actions impacted humanity greatly. It was also in 1933 that the First Humanist Manifesto was issued. Do you see how Satan manipulated world history to produce three New World Order events in 1933? Thus, a powerful 333 served as a framework for world events in that year.”

“If 10 isn’t loud enough… you turn it up to 11!”

The fact of the matter is that nobody debunked #Pizzagate. The mainstream shills just pushed another “false flag” event on you and mostly everyone fell for it.

This truthers post nails down the Clinton’s vast criminal scheme with John Podesta who in turn is in bed with James Alefantis:

“Hillary Clinton was sent email updates on the prosecution of Laura Silsby, who was caught trafficking children in Haiti. Laura Silsby was got off the hook by Jorge Puello, who was later convicted of sex trafficking, and was wanted on charges of sex trafficking in four countries. Additional source. Izette Folger, a close friend of James Alefantis, gave a statement in support of Silsby. Folger is the daughter of Michael Maccoby, who coaches leaders of Nuestros Pequeños Hermanos, or NPH, a large organization that runs orphanages all over the world. His son, Max Maccoby, is on the Boards of Directors of an NPH orphanage called Friends of the Orphans, which is one of 760 orphanages operating in Haiti, and happens to be the orphanage from which Silsby was caught trafficking children. Max Maccoby gave an emphatic and lengthy statement of support for Comet during a contentious neighborhood commission meeting.”

It does not take a rocket scientist to figure out that the greatest human genocide campaign is going on right underneath our noses, and indeed the pedophile elite like Donald Trump’s old pal Jeffrey Epstein are part of the problem. A black book belonging to the convicted pedophile is said to have gotten into Chris Cornell’s hands before he dies, and one of the names found inside his inner circle of friends was Courtney Love, a close friend of Vicky Cornell’s.

The HOLE singer herself lost her husband Kurt Cobain of NIRVANA to a presumed suicide in 1994. I spoke with an anonymous MK Ultra victim , and they told me that at one time while she was a homeless teen, Courtney was held in a cage as a sex slave owned by a coven in Washington. This same group of evil people staged Kurt’s gunshot death.

“There are 66 days between April 30 and July 4 of every year. April 30-May 1 is the Satanic two-day celebration called Beltaine. In 1776, the United States of America issued her Declaration of Independence precisely 66 days after the beginning of Beltaine that year. Adam Weishaupt declared his Masters of the Illuminati on the second day of Beltaine. Thus, both the founding of the Satanic Masters of the Illuminati and the United States were centered around Beltaine.”

An occult historian explains the history of Beltaine:

“Beltane, or May Day, has been celebrated by many cultures over many centuries. There is a wide variety of legends and lore about ways to become more fertile during this time–and that doesn’t just apply to people, but to the land itself. The Maypole itself, which is probably the best known symbol of this sabbat, has a rich history. This is a time to honor the many deities associated with Beltane, such as gods of the forest, goddesses of passion and motherhood, and a number of agricultural deities around the world. Gods like Cernunnos and Artemis, and the mythical figure of the Green Man, all factor into the colorful history of Beltane.”

Of the areas where it has been celebrated, the most noteworthy is “Tintagel, located on the craggy, wind swept cliffs of southwestern Cornwall is the traditional birth place of King Arthur, and they say it is a “wonderous place.”

“Atop the stone island lies the ruins of Tintagel castle and village, built in the 12th and 13th century. This date makes it too recent to be directly related to King Arthur who reportedly was born around 480 C.E., but it is still a place of mystery and holiness.”

For those who are doubters that the Illuminati is real, history has a funny way of reminding us about reality.

“According to legend, Alexander the Great happened to obtain a copy of Adam’s will which mentioned that God had created a magical spring behind Mt. Oaf, the mountainous barrier around the world, which was located in the Land of Darkness. The water of this spring “was whiter than milk, colder than ice, sweeter than honey, softer than butter and sweeter smelling than musk.” It also granted eternal life to those who drank from it. Khidr (the green man), taking Alexander’s army with him, entered the Land of Darkness and found the spring.”

When George Hunter denied me an opportunity to be part of the new article issued by The Detroit News, wherein Vicky Cornell goes off on the “conspiracy theorists” who she claims are still attacking her one year after her husband’s death, it told everyone all they need to know. What kind of half assed crime reporter does not allow the “theorist” in question, ME, an opportunity to appear in the follow up report so that I may present the new evidence I have.

I was denied to be part of this new report because what I have uncovered is the biggest criminal scandal ever, and involves the biggest players on the world stage, including President Trump. That is why Mr. Orange Tan will not make a move to properly investigate Comet Pizza in Washington DC, because the trail leads to John Podesta and his dirty deeds with the Clinton’s.

These elitist assholes think they are untouchables because they are running with the Devil. What they don’t understand is that nobody’s out of reach when it comes to going after justice with God’s eyes. You can run. But eventually the unstoppable will of Jesus Christ is going to hunt you down. For like the Pagan, we Christians have been around a long time too, and we stand firm in our convictions just the same, got it? And there are way more of us than you sickos, 100 to 1.

“The people of ancient Britain acknowledged the sacred power held at Tintagel and the areas around it by carving the labyrinths at Rocky Valley and digging the ritual cave at the top of Tintagel. If, in fact, this is the home of Arthur, what better place to build his castle. Arthur was a Pagan and worshipped the Old Gods. His teacher, Merlin, was a druid. The Face of Cernunnos, clearly sculptured on the side of the island by the forces of Nature, would give authority to the King who acted on behalf of the Horned One.”

A real warrior for the people, like Chris Cornell, comes around only once in 1,000 years, going back to the great mythical fighters of lore since the start of time. He stood up for all of us, and launched the greatest battle to save mankind ever known. It’s time everyone else sees what Chris truly stood for, and base your decision on who you are going to align yourself with in the afterlife off what really happened on May 18, 2017 in Detroit.

“For approximately three hundred years, between the 10th and 12th centuries, the foliate mask became mutated to represent evil and sin—in fact; the foliate head became part of the exclusive realm of demonology. To this day, many examples of these demon masks exist—including some in the United States. The 13th century reversed this trend with a delightful focus on the lifelike and natural quality of the carved leaves. The obvious struggle between nature and man is shown in many of the Green Man images during the 13th to 15th centuries. Oddly enough, today in a twist of cruel fate the foliate head has given birth to such ornaments as leafy children.”



And heaven’s eyes shined down upon you
And the whole room filled up with light
Now the cruel world it’s gonna try and change you
Try to hang you up and mess with your pride
Now the rich just try to chain you
You got to keep your fire burning inside

Promise me
You won’t let them put out your fire

– Chris Cornell, “Promise”