Rock Cannibals, Kuru Disease & THE PIZZAGATE PROBLEM
(part 2 of a 3 part report)
Rock N Roll pedophiles, snuff films and human cannibalism… sounds like a really sick joke minus the punch line, right? What if I was to tell you that WE are the punchline? Would you laugh or cry? In the end, I suppose all that really matters is me proving that I am right. Everyone pretty much refuses to accept the truth I am breaking off, so it’s time for me to roll up my sleeves and get to work on behalf of humanity.
As I previously reported about known Satanist actor/rocker, Johnny Depp, who himself shocked his fans due to his alarming weight loss observed in a recent picture he posted online, was close friends with late Gonzo journalist, Hunter S. Thompson, who was purportedly the director of a motion picture back in the eighties that depicted real life child murders filmed with MK Ultra survivor Paul Bonacci. The Franklin Cover Up, much like other notable SRA scandals of the eighties was centered around child prostitutes procured and shuttled back and forth from The White House to a place near Mount Shasta in California, called The Bohemian Grove. This place is the stuff of nightmares. Many rumors have been going around about it over the years. I am here to confirm that everything you have heard is true… but it gets much worse.
The Bohemian Grove has been a “summer camp” location for the world’s most wealthy and powerful for decades, namely the Bilderberg Group, and crazy tales of wild sex orgies, ritual slayings and a big scary looking owl are only the tip of the iceberg. A lot of people think Bohemian Grove is a hoax too… but that is only because most of the population in the United States is living in complete and utter denial due to MK Ultra brainwashing.
In 2012, after a lecture at the Drew University, Thomas Kean, Former Governor of New Jersey, opens up about his time at Bohemian Grove and admits to staying in a cabin with George Schultz.
#Pizzagate is a conspiracy theory that will not die. People have tried to push it off as a hoax, even a late night punch line… but the stone cold fact of the matter is that nobody has debunked it. Sure, they will prop up some half baked “false flag” with a nutty lone shooter who walked into Comet Pizza to shoot it up, due to the crazy theories he heard online about kids being killed.
But, they still have not debunked the theory posed by myself and others.
Kids are going missing in America right now every 90 seconds. That is not a lie. Why won’t anyone talk about that on the evening news? Why won’t DC Police investigate James Alefantis, after a hacker found child porn on his company computer? Why won’t Mr. Alefantis be charged for making a terroristic threat to kill people who dared question him about the scandal? Why is the mainstream news media telling lies and covering up the true facts from getting out to the people? Why am I being censored and vilified, penalized and marginalized for simply reporting on all of this?
The cover up piece by Chicago Tribune continues:
“But the bizarre conspiracy theory that a child sex ring was operating underneath D.C.’s Comet Ping Pong restaurant – which spurred 28-year-old Edgar Maddison Welch to drive from North Carolina to launch his own violent investigation – would probably have registered as “barely a blip” on the bureau’s radar, said Ron Hosko, a former FBI assistant director.”
“We’re going to eat your kids!
I cannot force you people to get a clue, that is an impossible task in most cases. I’m merely here to report the truth so that everyone has the opportunity to try and at least understand what is really going on. If you still choose to align yourself against God and Jesus Christ after that, that is on you. My job is complete once I finish presenting my case to the public. I am of sound mind, I don’t drink alcohol or take any pharmaceutical drugs, antidepressants, nor am I under the influence of any of the other government mind control programs such as all of TV and the movies.
I am a married man for 10 years who never once has been unfaithful to my lovely wife, and I have a good heart and the best of intentions when I write these extensive reports, some of which take me 12 hours to research and type up. Why else would I dedicate so much of my time for free to something , if I did not fully believe I was telling the truth?
There is zero that I am gaining here from doing this work.
I am being denied my ad royalties due to my content being deemed too controversial, so I am not making any money off the millions of page views or eyeballs that watch my YouTube content. Google will not pay me my earned ad revenue.
On top of that, I am currently blocked from posting in online news groups. My fans tell me they no longer see my posts in their timeline. I have effectively been ‘shadow banned’ for speaking out.
Look, it was a massive achievement that I pulled off, landing all of the worldwide publicity I did over the past 12 months, undoubtedly more than any journalist ever. We are talking hundreds of millions of views spread out over 100+ countries where my work is featured in spots other than my homeland of the USA, like Turkey, Romania, and the United Kingdom. I won the battle of PR already, and I did not even spend a dime. Sure, I didn’t make anything… but from a personal standpoint, I achieved all of my goals as a writer already. It was never to make money or be Mr. Popular, obviously I stand against all of that.
It was about my voice being heard. They used to call that Freedom of Speech in America. There once was a time when you were actually applauded for doing the work of God. Now you are ridiculed, mocked and isolated.
Why would I invest so much of my time and effort to draw attention to myself if I am not benefitting from it?
In fact, it has done incredible damage to my reputation, and labeled me as a troublemaker. All I am trying to do is help get to the bottom of things. The National Press Club are the assholes who founded The Bohemian Grove. That is a fact.
They have heavy masonic leadership among their hierarchy who support NAMBLA and other man/boy love organizations that pushed the agenda of nationalized acceptance of pedophilia. Why would anyone believe one word reported by Fox news, CBS, ABC, NBC, Drudge, Reuters, Infowars or any of the shyster news websites likes Snopes, which has been outed as being totally backed by George Soros? None of these news outlets across America can be relied upon to report with integrity.
Hell, at this point the best there is right now sadly is Brian Williams, who already got caught lying about his chopper being fired upon by enemy forces.
Way to keep the bullcrap alive, Brian. Much love. Since we are talking about nothing but shit coming out of people’s mouths, allow me to segue into the wonderful world of Kuru disease.
This afflicts people who enjoy feasting on the brains of human beings.
Report: Rock Cannibals, Kuru Disease & THE PIZZAGATE PROBLEM (Pt. 1) https://t.co/lhdP0sJL57 @TheMetalDen @GypsyMajik1122 @EndOfCentury @UrMidnight @PamelaRothrock @Chris0718 @Jana_1977 @OutsideDarkness @RebelPilled @CielGris1987 #PizzagateIsReal #MKUltra #HollywoodVampires pic.twitter.com/8zccfdKo3m
— Randy Rocket Cody (@rocketmetalden) June 3, 2018
Kuru is a prion-caused disease. What is prion?
According to this online medical expert:
“A prion is a protein infectious agent that inhabits the central nervous system, the brain and spinal cord. More specifically, kuru is an aquired prion disease in which its susceptibility factor is associated with a methionine at the prion protein codon.”
“Prion disease represents a group of conditions that affect the nervous system in humans and animals. In people, these conditions impair brain function, causing changes in memory, personality, and behavior; a decline in intellectual function (dementia); and abnormal movements, particularly difficulty with coordinating movements (ataxia).”
Report – PIZZAGATE: A Call For Action, Part 3 https://t.co/QO1IvqMV4R @TheMetalDen @UrMidnight @EndOfCentury @RebelPilled @summermoon55 @PamelaRothrock @THR @Tootstonia58 @Jana_1977 @OutsideDarkness @mysticals111 @JerriLyn871 #PizzagateIsReal #StopEatingKids pic.twitter.com/BlHZIPAaM1
— Randy Rocket Cody (@rocketmetalden) May 22, 2018
#Pizzagate is as real as it gets. It’s time for Americans to wake up finally. This is not going to be pretty, but if you want eternal salvation it starts here by getting the honest 411 on what looks to be the biggest act of human genocide in the history of mankind. I am talking about the worldwide extinction campaign, over 40 years in duration, totally pulled off clandestine that has snuffed out tens of millions of innocent lives.
The star of this horror flick come to life is a dude who mingles with crossdressing sadist pedophile rockers named James Alefantis. He owns Comet Pizza, Pegasus Museum and Buck’s Camping And Fishing.
A Washington DC drag performer named Summer Camp is believed to be the lead singer of HEAVY BREATHING, using a different moniker (Amanda Kleinman) and a voice box when speaking to the audience.
The Washington elite are knee deep in horrendous child sex scandals. When is the public going to demand it end?
President Trump was named in a rape affidavit, along with his old pal, convicted billionaire pedophile madman, Jeffrey Epstein, and nobody seems to care. Trump brushes the woman’s claims off as yet another hoax. He will admit to saying “grab the pussy” but when it comes to beating little girls he is all of the sudden an angel?
Ladies and gentleman, you cannot be both. It’s one or the other. Unless you are totally braindead or brainwashed, you would understand that. #Pizzagate and the powerful people involved is what got rockers Chris Cornell and Chester Bennington murdered I believe.
I was the very first journalist in the world to connect the elite pedophile ring to the dead rockers.
As the story goes, a “black book” belonging to Jeffrey Epstein got into the hands of Chris Cornell, and the names include Donald Trump, Kevin Spacey, Courtney Love and the Clinton’s, where according to flight logs, Bill and Hillary combined have allegedly flown out to “Orgy Island” over 30 times.
The following snapshot of a document posted as evidence for your reference is a harrowing account of one SRA (Satanic Ritual Abuse) survivor after escaping a coven as a child.
They confess to being forced to “cut up” kids and the victims were then “cooked”.
Former BBC head honcho Mark Thompson now runs The New York Times, and he was the one who allowed serial child rapist, Jimmy Saville’s story to be covered up…
Source: Steemit
Veterans Today disinformation site ran this story from NBC which is partially truthful but also attempts to paint Bush Sr as falsely accused:
“A pedophile ring, 70,000 strong, has been identified and hundreds arrested, an organization run on the internet, centered in the Free Energy Community, including websites run out of Paris, the Netherlands and Belgium. What isn’t being told is that this same organization, also known as the Red Circle, runs through secret societies around the world.”
Those names are:
St. Hubertus
Federalist Society
Knights of Malta (Rome, not KMFAP in Budapest)
Council on Foreign Relations
Federal Reserve Bank
Royal Families of Belgium and Netherlands
SCOTUS (Supreme Court of the United States)
“When Veterans Today tied the murder of Supreme Court Justice Anthony Scalia to a White House blackmail plot and a strange tale involving the Keshe Foundation, it became clear that the highest and most powerful in Europe, the US and around the world, were tied together in a web of ritual child abuse on a massive scale. VT’s involvement goes back to 1991 when key VT staffers worked for America’s intelligence community. A GOP high level staffer approached the CIA claiming that President George H.W. Bush was being blackmailed. It was said that the President was at a political fundraiser in St. Louis where, unknown to the President, top GOP campaign donors were having sex with young males, some of whom had been spirited away from Boys Town in Nebraska of Father Flanagan fame.”
Now allow me to translate what you just read. This is a classic example of disinformation journalism at its best.
What the Luciferians behind the National Press Club and all of mainstream news around the world want you to think George Sr. is an angel when the truth is so sinister and disturbing it will make you tremble with fear.
Whenever anyone cites they worked for the “intelligence community” what they’re saying is:
“We’re going to tell you big time lies
and you aren’t going to call us out on it.”
… well, everyone trusts the CIA, right?
These elite sickos straight up worship evil at its darkest.
An occult expert explains the history of the ultimate pagan God:
“Molech was the pagan god of the Ammonites and Phoenicians to whom parents sacrificed their children. They were barbarians. Molech (also Moloch) was the national deity of the heathen Ammonites, a fire god commonly worshiped throughout the ancient near East and North Africa, by Canaanites and Philistines, Arameans and Semitic peoples and later, Phoenicians. He was known by many names, all signifying the same false god. There are many different names for Molech. These names all refer to the same false god, spelled in various different ways: Melech, Molech, Milcom, Melkom, Moloch, Molek, Malec, Malik, Melek, Malkum, Melqart, Melkart, Milk, Melqarth, Kronos, Cronus.”
A freemason historian explains the difference between the symbolism of the Owl and Molech:
“The owl being displayed by the illuminati is not Molech(moloch). This I hope to put to rest, here and now. If we consider the symbolism used by the brotherhood, the symbols most prevalent, go to the goddess. In America, we call her Columbia. In England she is known as Brittania, hence British Columbia. In the past she has been known as Semiramis, Ishtar, Anat, Asherah, Isis, Juno, Minerva, Aphrodite, Venus, et al. Now, let’s look at the goddess symbolism. She is known as a triple goddess, trinities relate to her. In the Tarot the 3rd major arcana is the Empress. She is symbolized as a phoenix rising and is known as the eye goddess. As Venus, she is symbolized by a shell and a pentagram. Most of the goddess’ have connections with the merfolk. Isis in the egyptian pantheon, is a symbol of Sirius, a recently re-discovered trinary star system. It has been shown through history that there is a connection with Sirius and fish-people. Finally, the goddess is represented by an owl. You will find numerous depictions of the goddess with her owl. Some say that this is due to the correlation between Sophia(wisdom) and the wise old owl. I don’t know. What I do know is the goddess has always been depicted with an owl. Molech is a bull. He is a minor deity with possible links to Baal. Now if Baal had been suggested I would give it more thought, and I have. we’ll come back to Baal.”
“In Islam, Molech is called Malec or Malik (meaning king), believed to be the principle angel in charge of Djahannam, the Islamic version of hell. Molech worship was prevalent among the Canaanites when Israel entered the land, evident from the fact that God warned Israel against Molech worship as an abomination the Israelites were forbidden to practice, Leviticus 18:21. An abomination is a sin coupled with disgust. Fire gods like Moloch and his fertility goddess consort, Ashtoreth, exercised captivating power over the primitive Canaanites. Their pagan worship often led to sacrificing their children upon the fiery alters of Moloch. They literally killed their children and burdened their bodies in worship of Moloch.”
Point blank. There is a massive pedophile ring in operation based out of The White House, and in my opinion the Bush/Clinton/Obama/Trump crime families are to blame. It has been going on hardcore since the eighties when the Reagan and Bush Sr. White House got tangled in The Franklin Cover Up.
Report – The Truth About Pizzagate: Can You Handle It? (Pt. 3) https://t.co/KyV4YB9ioc @TheMetalDen @THR @tmz @PamelaRothrock @Jana_1977 @freeparadox @RebelPilled @jbugg72 @EndOfCentury @bobweisers @summermoon55 #NOMOREBULLSHIT pic.twitter.com/3Mf7SEZJSa
— Randy Rocket Cody (@rocketmetalden) April 7, 2018
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