October 7, 2024

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Chester Bennington, Dead Child Actors And Kabbalah

Chester Bennington, Dead Child Actors And Kabbalah

By Randy “Rocket” Cody

Part 3 of a 3 part report

Talmudic Judaism is the serious threat to the world’s sovereignty. I look around and nobody seems to really want to protect the innocent kids the elite keep snatching from their homes and school playgrounds. This is a major problem that reaches from Hollywood to Washington DC… all the way to the Vatican.

The Catholic Church is guilty of molesting kids – it also steals and sells them for profit.

A shocking presentation exposes “the fact that Catholic nuns engaged in child trafficking by stealing babies from unwed mothers and selling them into adoption! This occurred worldwide – in Ireland, Australia, Cuba, Canada and Spain to name just a few – and the numbers total at least 500,000 stolen babies! The new mothers were lied to and falsely told their babies had died. These sickening acts constitute crimes against humanity. No institution can compete with the Vatican for utter hypocrisy, plunder and genocide.”

And don’t let me forget these jokers in Hollywood. Corey Feldman and Kevin Spacey are pulling the biggest con on all of the sheeple.

These two scumbags have been the center of the epidemic for the past thirty years.

Mysterious child stars deaths have come back into focus, such as Heater O’Rourke of Poltergeist. Tunnels are being used that run underneath Washington DC, Disneyland, and yes, even at one time, Playboy had its own secret underground exit. Why isn’t the mainstream news talking about any of this?

Corey Feldman’s Son, Hugh Hefner, Underground Tunnels, CIA MK Ultra “Wonder Land” Studio Exposed (White Rabbit) #PIZZAGATE

I learned that the evil elite are after the blood of our children. Chester Bennington and his friend Chris Cornell uncovered some very disturbing information last year before they were both found dead, as I reported at TMD and the story ultimately went viral, despite being labeled a hoax.

What is behind the madness of the elite? The “Fountain of Youth”, a mythical object.

Parabiosis is the key to making that happen… and to do that you need the blood of children.

I have learned that the elite are shipping kids as ‘live art’ via shipping containers across the world, to the highest bidder, and it clearly LINKIN PARK band is right in the middle of all of these powerful people.

“Joe Hahn of Linkin Park, put on gallery art show where one of the artists featured at “Beast Astray” is Cleon Peterson, according to the gallery website.”

Mike Shinoda created a painting featuring a decapitated pig’s head.”

Voat shared this information about the band’s ties to the art industry:

“Artist Cleon Peterson, who gained popularity among 4chan and other blogs when his gruesome paintings were displayed by the Eiffel Tower in France, publicly announced the work he was doing for the European globalists. The Rothschilds commissioned to have their racing yacht painted in his style, which primarily depicts dark, savage men raping and decapitating white people. The same artist was also commissioned by a member of Linkin Park to make an exclusive painting, which by my estimation is visible in this gallery photo. Here it is featured on the gallery’s Instagram. Again, the production and viewing of these works supports the theory that shadowy globalist cabals are closely aligned with the musical and artistic scenes of major cultural centers around the world, and that places like Comet Ping Pong use artists and musicians to transport illegal goods. Interestingly, Peterson’s artist statement perfectly captures the essence of the Pizzagate investigations. This seems to be something that the Rothschild’s are celebrating.”

The post continues:

“A Cleon Peterson mural right in the heart of LA’s Arts District, currently the subject of investigation by 4chan sleuths. It’s across the street from an establishment called Bestia. In a previous post, I noted that the grungy music scene in this area is a watering hole for Comet Ping Pong bands.”

And the conclusion starts to help connect all the dots:

“Known Gallery is also affiliated with Power the World and MFRNepal (Music for Relief Nepal), two charities essentially run by Linkin Park, who devoted the majority of their efforts to providing clean cookstoves to the impoverished Nepalese following the devastating earthquake instagramm. Here is a Crowdrise fund they made that, in turn, promised ‘special’ gifts and ‘secret shows’ as a reward for donating. The charities worked under the umbrella of the Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves, an initiative led by who else but Hillary Rodham Clinton. Remember that the Rothschilds are connected to Alefantis and Comet Ping Pong and that Jimmy Comet has attended private Rothschild functions.. Alefantis has also furnished events that included Rothschild support, being the only restaurant sponsor the Hirshhorn Annual Circle.”

A Linkin Park MC is one of the leaders of Sustainable Recycling Solutions. Clinton gave SRS a grant last year and, as shown in a new video uploaded by the band, recently flew to #Haiti to tour the plant.https://themetalden.com/?p=58838

Now it seems another big scandal in 2017 among the elite ties a lot of this criminal activity together.

It turns out a big tech figure in a massive dot-com child sex scandal was a Clinton Global Initiative member:

“In 2000, DEN suffered an absolute disaster amid claims by employees and several Hollywood child actors such as Michael Egan III that Pierce and his partners, Chad Shackley and Marc Collins-Rector ran a child abuse ring with a number of other Hollywood directors and A-list actors, many of whom were financially tied to DEN.”

What I am talking about is here is a systematic cover up of the elite who procure children as young as 2 years old for their sexual deviance.

“As covered in the Amy Berg film An Open Secret, Egan alleged that between the ages of 15 to 17, he would be given alcohol, cocaine and other drugs and was raped repeatedly along with other young boys who were present. The abuse allegedly occurred at the house shared by Collins-Rector, Shackley and Pierce as well as on trips to Hawaii. On at least one occasion, Collins-Rector threatened Egan with a gun to force him into compliance. Egan filed a civil suit after his reports to the LAPD and FBI fell on deaf ears. Individuals named in the suit included Pierce, Collins-Rector, Shackley, as well as Bryan Singer, Garth Ancier, Gary Goddard and David Neuman. Mr. Egan’s allegations mirror other similar claims made by actors such as Corey Feldman and Elijah Wood that child sex abuse is rampant in Hollywood. Pierce and his co-accused resigned from DEN and fled hurriedly to Spain to escape the FBI. Collins Rector was apparently primarily concerned that investor David Geffen wished to kill him over the scandal. Depositions taken from Pierce revealed that Geffen had purportedly been paying an employee to spy on DEN, and that he had been fed information and stolen faxes.”

Ultimately, Collins-Rector was the only individual charged with sex offenses in relation to the scandal. Brock Pierce was never able fully escape negative public opinion over the role he played however. When he became the Chairman of the Board at the Bitcoin Foundation, at least 10 members resigned in protest. Several resignation letters explicitly listed Pierce’s association with pedophilia and child pornography as the reason

Remember, in my previous reporting I tied Mrs. Clinton’s right hand man, John Podesta, to LINKIN PARK and the global SE4ALL initiative, wherein the band agreed to allow their social sites to be used marketing their message.

So clearly, LINKIN PARK was not just a mega popular radio rock band, ladies and gentleman.

This group of hard rockers are a CIA tun MK ULTRA PSYOP being played out on all of your unsuspecting minds.

Alkahest is a hypothetical universal solvent, having the power to dissolve every other substance, including gold. It was much sought after by alchemists for what they thought would be its invaluable medicinal qualities.

“The waters of the fabled ‘Fountain of Youth’ have taken many forms over the centuries. Including the blood of very young children. It was to contain a substance called Alkahest.”

“It’s almost mythological that something in young organisms can maintain youthfulness, and it’s probably true.”

“All humans eventually grow old and die. Conversely if scientists, modern day Alchemists, could cheat aging and death. It would be a monumental achievement over nature. This has been one of the goals of Alchemists, scientists and the elite through out history. Examples such as Robert Boyle. One of the founders of the Royal Society, founded in London in 1660. Whose main scientific interest was the ” The prolongation of life“. Through the use of transfusions of old blood with young blood.”
– Tony Wyss-Coray Co-Founder of Alkahest (The Guardian, 2015)

“The hot and spirituous blood of the young man will pour into the old one as if it were from a fountain of youth, and all of his weakness will be dispelled.”

Andreas Libavius 16th Century Doctor and Alchemist

“The rich and powerful can have every material object. Yet when death comes calling all the money in the world will not solve the problem. Life extension is a the ultimate prize for those who can afford anything. At any price! As history has demonstrated.”

“Recently modern day scientists and entrepreneurs have revived this research. Setting up companies to supply the modern day “Fountain of Youth” to the rich and powerful. These youth promoting components are mined from the blood of very young children. Administered using a method called Parabiosis. Popularized in the last year by mainstream news articles detailing how billionaires are injecting the blood of the young for it’s longevity and health benefits. One of these companies just happens to be called Alkahest.”

How young is the blood needed and where could it come from?

“Some clinical trials get special permission in isolated instances for research. What about young blood being used for life extension? Citing the Requirements by the Red Cross for age and weight for donating blood and plasma at 17 and 110lbs. Where could this young blood come from for life extension purposes? Beyond stories of consenting Silicon Valley blood boys or accounts of human child sacrifice.”

