LINKIN PARK – Was Chester A Mind Controlled Sex Slave?
I have uncovered more damning evidence via Wikileaks that ties John “Skippy” Podesta to MK Ultra, the CIA, Wonderland Auctions and LINKIN PARK.
“The Equal Justice Foundation will be hosting it’s Live Auction the evening of Thursday, February 4th and would love your support! Thank you to all donors so far, we are excited to have you participate and hope that you will be able to attend! If you are not able to donate you can still join the fun at the auction or the Alumni Happy Hour beforehand!”
This is beyond the past collusion I reported on which connects Podesta to LINKIN PARK via the SE4ALL global initiative.
Secretary-General’s report on the topic and Linkin Park Band Commits to Mobilization
Received feedback from States. The briefing for SE4ALL Initiative
was held in preparation for the UNGA’s Read More: Linkin Park Band Commits to
Official consideration of the Report on 22 Mobilization for SE4ALL Initiative
November 2011. continued.. 8_November 2011: The US rock band Linkin PARK, Norway’s Prime Minister Discuss Park has agreed to assist in mobilizing Sustainable Development, Climate Change support for UN Secretary-General Ban Read More: Ban, Norway’s Prime Minister Ki-moon’s Sustainable Energy for All
Discuss Sustainable Development, Climate (SE4ALL) initiative, making use of the
band’s social media presence.
Working on the premise that the reason the L.A. Coroner will not release an autopsy report in his case is because he was killed and did not commit suicide, next I will explore the lurid world of Hollywood sex, child killing and celebrity boy toys who are pimped out to the highest bidder.
While Chester on the surface was married and seemed to be a wonderful father, it’s my determination that all signs point to him purportedly leading a double life, due to the fact that his believed biological father John Podesta sexually abused the singer since he was a child, sold him into the elite sex slave ring, just like Angelina Jolie was purportedly put into as a child by her father, and it never stopped once Chester became an adult and achieved rock stardom. Some of the stuff I learned is simply too disturbing to mention at this point, but I can assure you that we are dealing with a special individual who withstood many decades of profound physical and mental torment.
Hugh Hefner CIA Operative who allegedly took part in ‘MK Ultra Sex Slave Blackmail’ film production at Wonderland studio on Lookout mountain has been exposed due to the help of Q Annon. Wikileaks Documents from John Podesta emails show “Wonder Land” auction tickets for sale.
I already reported on the underground tunnels that once ran beneath PlayBoy Mansion. Now you can check out blueprints provided HERE.
You really think Corey Feldman, Hollywood MK Ultra pimp frontman with his “Angels” band did not know about the crimes against women and human trafficking going on at “rape mansion”?
This lying little freak was a regular guest at the Playboy Mansion… and reportedly introduced late child actor Corey Haim to a pedophile ring.
“Being around the mansion taught me how to do things classy, and how to be a true gentleman towards all of my guests, just as I have watched Playboy’s founder do for all of these years.” – Corey Feldman
I think it’s time everyone pulled their head out of their ass.
Just like the Dupont tunnel system that run underneath alleged child massacre sites Comet Ping Pong and Pegasus Museum in Washington D.C., the Playboy Mansion’s dark history of secret sex orgies and Satanic sacrifices, and CIA funded snuff film productions tied to Charlie Manson and The Family, will make you want to take a shower it is that depraved and utterly disgusting.
Actor/rocker Johnny Depp’s late buddy Hunter S. Thompson was named as the director of a child snuff film by Paul Bonacci.
Also, there is the infamous ‘Wonderland child killing’ case in Russia tied to a website that is about as heartbreaking as it gets.
Hefner was also part of running the MK Ultra ‘super assassins’ program. Just look at the open mural seen at the Playboy mansion, along with his masonic ties, it can’t not but creep you out, unless you are into raping, trafficking and sacrificing little kids, I dunno.
This means that he was a high ranking masonic member, at least 33 degree, and held high rank in the Illuminati along with Satanic military psychopath Michael Aquino.
Playboy model Pamela Anderson was allegedly caught setting up child sex human trafficking ring in Dunkirk, France.
Anderson made news visiting the camp making NO REFERENCE to the child rape epidemic.
Local officials are accusing Anderson of setting up a child sex trafficking operation at the camp.
All you have to do is look at Heidi Klum. She is a featured at Playboy site:
Klum’s ex-boyfriend was Chris Cornell’s bodyguard, Martin Kirsten. Kirsten was the last person with the SOUNDGARDEN frontman before he died… and then he was the first to discover his body in room #1136 at the MGM Grand hotel in Detroit.
In November 2006, Klum released her debut music single entitled “Wonderland”.
My gut tells me that all of LINKIN PARK band is in on the cover up of Chester Bennington’s ritual sacrifice murder. The dude that showed up the death scene on July 20th clearly rolls with the Illuminati, as does Mike Shinoda, who attends all the Satanic art galleries tied to Podesta, Alefantis and other suspected pedophile child eaters, got it?
Her ex-boyfriend was Chris Cornell’s bodyguard, Martin Kirsten. He is tied to Mossad/FBI/CIA via his military background and special training to be a professional bodyguard hired out to work for companies that protect celebs like Chris Cornell.
I also learned that actor/rocker Jared Leto allegedly purchased the Wonderland property and himself has been subjected to the MK Ultra program, and is deeply involved in some crazy stuff.
There is a purported Wonderland elementary school on location.
It’s no shocker that Satanist Linda Ramone, close pal of Vicky Cornell and Courtney Love, was in attendance at the crematorium when Chris Cornell’s body was thrown to the fire.
By making Chester a CIA controlled sex robot , they would have had also potentially filmed the late rocker in some very bad videos at Wonderland that would incriminate him too if he ever were to try and step forward with the truth.
Or they just kill him, and cover it all up to make it appear as a suicide.
When the click bait site YourNewsWire stole my theory on Chester being killed based off a story that I wrote originally about his friend Chris Cornell, after Chester was found dead in the same identical manner as his buddy… and on Chris’ birthday, the story blew up and was exposed to hundreds of millions, understand? I mean, it did not just go viral, it is hands down one of the most widely viewed news articles of 2017.
Yes, the YourNewsWire piece was called a hoax, but that doesn’t mean that the facts I presented in my investigation are not true, okay?
It also doesn’t mean Chester was not murdered.
After 120 days with no autopsy report released to the public, despite myself and another woman already paying the fee, many people are starting to ask questions about Chester’s death. Was he suicided?
I am only doing my job as a real journalist to cover this story, got it?
In my opinion, this scandal involves not only the murders of two legendary rockers, but also millions of innocent kids over the past several decades around the globe being abducted and sold into sex slavery… and it reaches its tentacles all over, going all the way from Washington D.C. to the Vatican.
I believe Chester, unfortunately, was no different than any of these poor kids. However, there is no doubt that he was subjected to a much more profound and decades long Satanic ritual abuse at the hands of his own evil father, the CIA and his own bandmates.
Chester’s wife Talinda was at one time employed by Hugh Hefner and Playboy, which means she has likely been subjected to MK Ultra at Wonderland as well.
Born Talinda Ann Bentley, she is a 40-year-old former Playboy model, having appeared in the College Girls section in the 2000s.
When I approached Gary Miles of The Detroit News about doing a follow up on our Chris Cornell story with one that tackles Chester’s death, it was first agreed upon, and then the next day Gary cancelled the interview. He did not even ask me if I have new evidence. Why is that?
“I’m not in a position to question his honesty, but I think it’s fair to call Randy Cody among the most outspoken people who suggest that there’s more to Chris Cornell’s death than the official investigation revealed. If he didn’t die of his own hand, a curious reader might ask why Cornell would have been killed? As well as giving more insight into Cody’s views, we felt it necessary to answer that question and provide the official response to that theory. How much space to devote to any given subject is always a judgment call, but I won’t get any further into the internal discussions than that.” – Gary Miles
Think all of this sounds too crazy to be true? Look more closely at the story of Johnny Gosch.
On September 5, 1982, Johnny Gosch was abducted while doing his Sunday morning paper route, for the Des Moines Register. This day began a 23 year search for Johnny, and the truth. Johnny’s abduction was not by chance. Evidence indicates Johnny’s picture was shown to several people the night before, as the child they would abduct in the morning
“In 1989, Paul Bonacci provided his attorney, John DeCamp, with information indicating he had participated in the abduction of a Des Moines, Iowa paper boy. This paper boy was Johnny Gosch. Bonacci’s testimony provided a great deal of information about Johnny and his case, however local authorities refuse to interview him, questioning his credibility.”
The belief is that little Johnny remained alive and got put into the elite Washington D.C. pedophile ring and became a boy toy for the elite when he got older.
It is now believed Gosch all these years later is actually Jeff Gannon.
Late FBI agent Ted Gunderson went on the record to say he had a credible source that is certain Jeff Gannon is Johnny Gosch. “My source has told me in the past that he has maintained contact with Johnny Gosch.”
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