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VADER – Issues Year End Message To Fans

VADER has checked in with this year-end message to all their fans:

“VADERMANIAX! Thanks so much for your support in 2016! That was another one busy, crazy and satisfactory year. We have played over 70 shows, from which 1/4 were festivals.

“We released also new album ‘The Empire,’ which has so good a response from you. However, the NEW YEAR is coming and we are pretty much ready for 2017 \m/\m/

“This ‘imperial year’ starts in a few months for Vader. We have many surprises for ALL of you for the whole coming season. Stay VADERIZED and have much fun in NEW YEAR 2017!”

Different sources see the beginnings of VADER and interpret it in various ways. The truth is, however, that the band was set up in the autumn of 1983 by two people crucial for the band: Piotr “Peter” Wiwczarek (“Bardast” and later “Behemoth” back then) playing the bass and the guitarist Zbyszek “Vika” Wroblewski. The band started its activity in Poland, the country that was stuck in a completely different reality. Metal was associated only with the two officially existing bands: TSA and Kat… Extreme metal was just about to be born and VADER was among the pioneers of that genre (and the only one left since then) in the newly emerging Underground…

Source: metalunderground