May 17, 2024 Over 100 Million Organic Impressions On Facebook In 2023!



 Sons Of Azrael

 TMD Rocks!

Derrick Sadkowski issued the following statement: “I’ve decided to step down as drummer of Sons of Azrael, this decision was made as I’m not confident in producing interesting and intriguing drumming on this upcoming album. My life has taken a few turns, and seems to be heading in another direction and touring/dumping my funds into a band seemed to become ambiguous, all things considered, I have to do what’s best for the band I helped create 5 years ago. By no means is the band grounded in any sense, since the Conjuration of Vengeance, they have found new talent in Karl Kirsch who has replaced Greg DiPasquale, and Alex Chambers who’s replaced me. Touring, and playing night-in night-out was one of the best experiences anyone could live through, and I’ll be thankful for everything- all the fans, Bud and Trevor over at Ironclad, parties, other bands I’ve shared the stage with, was great every time. As for other projects, I have a few things in mind, but I need to reinvent my drumming to achieve them. I promise I’ll be back around soon enough. Thank you.”