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Carmine Appice Thinks MÖTLEY CRÜE’s Reliance On “Backing Tracks” is “Like Milli Vanilli back in the day!”

Carmine Appice still stands by his earlier comments about Nikki Sixx and using backing tracks. In a new interview with Classic Album Review, the drummer was asked how healthy it is to use backing tracks in live performances. He replied saying that it was terrible:

“It’s terrible. I got into this big fight with Nikki Sixx about that which I didn’t mean to do anything. Somebody asked me about Jeff Beck and they asked me about Mick [Mars]. I was talking to Mick and Mick told me what he told me and I just said it to somebody and it blew up all over the place, but I think that’s terrible. It’s like Milli Vanilli back in the day. Their career got destroyed from that. I mean I could see if you want to put it some vocals or background vocals or something or keyboard.”

He added his understanding as to why people would be using backing tracks:

“Some guys do that I could see that you had a little depth to it but to do it on bass and drums and guitars I mean there are a lot of people doing that. Boy, that’s terrible.”