SKELETONWITCH will release the final installment of their 2014 picture disc reissues on November 24th, when their groundbreaking 2007 sophomore...
Month: November 2014
Den Headz, FEAR FACTORY have hit the studio to begin tracking their new album. Guitarist Dino Cazares shared the following...
MACHINE HEAD has announced a new tour. They will headline the North American tour in January with no openers or...
Sad news to report. BLACK TUSK's Jonathan Athon was involved in a vehicle accident this past weekend, and now the...
Black metal unit ERIMHA have teamed up with their metal colleagues MUSHROOMHEAD for a US tour starting December 11th in...
Ruthlessly tearing the boundaries of folk metal in the heaviest of ways, Australian warriors CLAIM THE THRONE are ready to...
DOMINATION has unleashed a new track from their forthcoming album "Bonded By Misery". Listen HERE. Source: Lambgoat
Den Headz, ATTILA are streaming “Horsepig” from their coming new album “Guilty Pleasure“, out November 24th. Listen HERE. According to...
Montreal's The Agonist will release their new album Eye Of Providence on February 24 in North America and February 23...
Savannah, Georgia's BLACK TUSK have issued the following update: “Last night (Jonathan) Athon (bass/vocals) and his girlfriend Emily were involved...