Metal News Source: The GauntletIn the art of making music, especially for established artists or bands, it’s often better to...
Metal News Source: Metal SludgeIt's simple as a few E-mails. You buy space thru Pay Pal!
Metal News Source: Metal Blade RecordsAfter 6 weeks of European madness, we’re home again. It’s always strange to return home...
Metal News Source: SiN's Metal NewsMore bands have been announced for Germany's Death Feast Open Air 2007 festival which will...
Metal News Source: SiN's Metal NewsSlimewave 7" number two, featuring all-new material from CRIPPLE BASTARDS and SUBLIME CADAVERIC DECOMPOSITION is...
Metal News Source: SiN's Metal NewsMurder metal legends MACABRE have announced the details for their 2006 Holiday of Horrors shows:
Metal News Source: SiN's Metal NewsMORTIIS has been busy writing and recording new material for a new album, to be...
Metal News Source: SiN's Metal NewsEXTREME NOISE TERROR appear to be planning a U.S. tour around their appearance at next...
Metal News Source: SiN's Metal NewsDid someone say they wanted to watch a Metallica video?
Metal News Source: Blabbermouth.netPolish death metallers VADER kicked off the final part of the European Blitzkrieg 4 tour in Olomous,...