Metal News Source: Brave WordsBrockville Recorder & Times ( has issued the following report from Derek Abma:
Metal News Source: Brave WordsPictured is the artwork for the forthcoming SINISTER live DVD, which will bear the title Prophecies...
Metal News Source: Brave ( has issued the following report from Chris Harris:
Metal News Source: Blabbermouth.netThree years have passed since Marco Ferrigno's acclaimed "Promised Land" project with Vitalij Kuprij (ARTENSION, RING OF...
Metal News Source: Blabbermouth.netAccording to, MOUNTAIN has been working on their new album, which is a tribute to Bob...
Metal News Source: Blabbermouth.netBLOODSIMPLE vocalist Tim Williams (ex-VISION OF DISORDER) has issued the following update:
Metal News Source: Blabbermouth.netAudio samples of three instrumental demo tracks that are set to appear on the forthcoming album from...
Metal News Source; Blabbermouth.netMETALLICA's much-anticipated appearance on "The Simpsons" will air as the program's season premiere on September 10, 2006...
Metal News Source: reports that transgendered punk icon Jayne County isn't taking too kindly to KISS bassist/vocalist Gene Simmons...
Metal News Source: Blabbermouth.netMetal Maniacs magazine (web site) recently conducted an interview with SLAYER members Kerry King and Tom Araya....